Roses & Thorns

Roses & Thorns

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Pale Highway by Nicholas Conley


Gabriel Schist is spending his remaining years at Bright New Day, a nursing home. He once won the Nobel Prize for inventing a vaccine for AIDS. But now, he has Alzheimer’s, and his mind is slowly slipping away. When one of the residents comes down with a horrific virus, Gabriel realizes he is the only one who can find a cure. Encouraged by Victor, an odd stranger, he convinces the administrator to allow him to study the virus. Soon, reality begins to shift, and Gabriel’s hallucinations interfere with his work. As the death count mounts, Gabriel is in a race against the clock and his own mind. Can he find a cure before his brain deteriorates past the point of no return?

About the Author:

Nicholas Conley's passion for storytelling began at an early age, prompted by a love of science fiction novels, comic books and horror movies. When not busy writing, Nicholas spends his time reading, traveling to new places, and indulging in a lifelong coffee habit. In order to better establish himself on the planet Earth, Nicholas currently makes his home in New Hampshire. To learn more about him, take a stroll over to

Review by Rochelle:

Pale Highway was a fascinating look at Gabriel Schist, a brilliant man losing his faculties to Alzheimer’s. It’s not an easy book to read, though, and if you have difficulty keeping up with books that go back and forth between the past and present, reality and delusion, then you might want to try something more straight-forward. But if you can bridge the gaps of a mind riddled with the Swiss-cheese holes of a disease that robs even our highest intellects of the ability to process the simplest thoughts, then Pale Highway is definitely a must-read.

A few years ago when I had more money and I was still able to pay my Mensa dues, I attended the Annual Gathering for both the US and Canada. There were thousands of us, and researchers gave a presentation on Alzheimer’s. Good thing the Fire Marshalls weren’t around, because we squeezed into that room like sardines. For us (as for anyone, really), Pale Highway is the ultimate horror story.

I’ve worked in a nursing home. Can you imagine Einstein in diapers having pureed mush shoveled into his mouth as fast as he can swallow it because the aid has nine other patients to feed before the trays go back? Can you imagine him being there and having lucid moments when he knows that’s what’s happening to him? Add the mystery of his friends dying around him, he knows he’s the only one who can stop it, and he knows he’s running out of time. Because his lucid moments are coming fewer and farther between. There you have the makings of a doozy of a book—Pale Highway.

Heat Rating:  PG-13
Length:  317 Pages
Print:  $11.99
Digital:  $5.99
Buy Links:

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Your author will be happy you did when he/she sees his/her royalty statement.

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