Hattie Cook's dream job
is down the toilet and her new SUV violated. Desperate for cash to cover the
basic necessities of rent and food, she takes a temporary job at Buy-Rite
insurance company where she uncovers an embezzling scam tied to the death of a former
employee—the very one she replaced. The last thing she wants is to clash with by-the-book
Detective Wellborn, no matter how much he makes her heart pound.
Allan Charles Wellborn
has secretly adored Hattie all his life. He evolved from a pocket protector-wearing
geek to a handsome police detective. When the police determine there's more to
the death of a former Buy-Rite employee, he steps in to lead the investigation.
Overly dedicated, always perfect, he puts his job first, even if doing so
ultimately hurts the one he loves.
Can the killer be found
before Hattie's time is up?
by Rochelle Weber:
Okay, I love Vicki
Batman’s writing. Her sense of humor always makes me laugh out loud, so I spent
much of the time choking back my laughter, as I read this book while sitting
vigil with a hospice patient in the middle of the night.
Despite her depressing
circumstances, Hattie manages to land on her feet. She has a great support
system in her family, roommate, and friends—the “Funsisters.” Oh, and then
there’s Detective A. Wellborn, who seems really interested in her boring temp
job at Buy-Rite insurance—especially when she notices a preponderance of claims
for stolen parts from Jeeps like hers. And she seems to get a lot of calls when
covering the phone at lunch from customers who have a discrepancy between their
estimates and the checks they finally received from the company. In fact, a victim
of one of those thefts, she’s still waiting for her own check. And why is her
supervisor (who criticizes her expensive wardrobe bought with employee
discounts) so set against her fighting the ticket and advising her to just pay
the $190 dollars even though she couldn’t exactly control having a tail-light
out when her whole back-end assembly was missing?
I worked as a temp for
almost twenty years and I never had anything that exciting happen to me.
245 Pages
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