Outlaw Joshua Manning becomes a fugitive when his companion
shoots a young Christian missionary in a robbery attempt a few days before
Christmas in 1905. Escaping, he travels alone from Illinois to nearby
Wisconsin, taking shelter in a thicket of pine trees. As a bitterly cold snow
storm stalls out over the Mississippi River Valley, he falls asleep upon an icy
bedroll by his fading campfire. Near death, he dreams about his earlier life.
He remembers his grandmother and the farm hands who made up his
family as a young child. When his grandmother died, he was sent to an
orphanage. There he met Luke and Russell, who became his family when they left
the orphanage together. Outcasts, they formed a band of highway robbers, but
thieving never felt right to Joshua, his grandmother's biblical teachings
haunting him in his dreams. And his heart aches as memories of Samantha engulf
him-Samantha in red velvet. Why did she marry another man when she was promised
to him?
On Christmas Eve, he awakens from a deep slumber, a hundred
years into the future, hearing the cries of nine-year-old Tommy Barker. Fearing
for the boy's safety, Joshua takes him back to his family's farmhouse as the
winter storm escalates. Tommy's mother, thankful for the return of her son,
invites Joshua to share the holiday with their family.
Eventually, the twenty-first century invades the proceedings,
and Joshua is forced to come to terms with his own humanity and spirituality.
Together, Joshua and Tommy unravel the mystery that is eternal life
Review by Julie Grimm:
If Prodigal Song by
Wendy Moser had a picture on the cover of this book of a man sleeping outside
with his horse by a fire, near the woods, with the moon shining down on them, I
would have picked this book up sooner! I realize that the cover art was done by
her son, which makes it special to her, but I really had a hard time picking it
up because the book cover gave me no clue as to what this book would be about.
I love stories from the early 1900’s, and Wendy knits a
yarn that brings you back in time. You are there with Joshua Manning as he leaves
the orphanage that has been his home. He and his friends from the orphanage become
outlaws stealing from others in order to survive. Joshua knows he is making bad
choices but feels he doesn’t have any other alternatives. When he meets
Samantha, he falls in love, and in order to provide for her decides to go with
his friends just one more time. You’ll wander along with him after a robbery
gone badly brings him home to find Samantha married to another man for which
she will give no explanation.
This love story gets a little confusing at the end as you
try to figure out who is related to whom, but it is well worth the read and one
you won’t soon forget.
Length: 172 pages
Print: $12.56-$21.56
Digital: $3.99
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Thanks for visiting. Rose, Julie, Donna, & Rochelle
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