Roses & Thorns

Roses & Thorns

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Silk Romance by Helena Fairfax


Jean-Luc Olivier is a devastatingly handsome racing-driver with the world before him. Sophie Challoner is a penniless student, whose face is unknown beyond her own rundown estate in London. The night they spend together in Paris seems to Sophie like a fairytale—a Cinderella story without the happy ending. She knows she has no part in Jean-Luc’s future. She made her dying mother a promise to take care of her father and brother in London. One night of happiness is all Sophie allows herself. She runs away from Jean-Luc and returns to England to keep her promise.

Safely back home with her father and brother, and immersed in her college work, Sophie tries her best to forget their encounter, but she reckons without Jean-Luc. He is determined to find out why she left him, and intrigued to discover the real Sophie. He engineers a student placement Sophie can’t refuse, and so, unwillingly, she finds herself back in France, working for Jean-Luc in the silk mill he now owns.

Thrown together for a few short weeks in Lyon, the romantic city of silk, their mutual love begins to grow. But it seems the fates are conspiring against Sophie’s happiness. Jean-Luc has secrets of his own. Then, when disaster strikes at home in London, Sophie is faced with a choicestay in this glamorous world with the man she loves or return to her family to keep the sacred promise she made her mother.


The Silk Romance was a good read. The characters were sympathetic, and the book held my attention. Ms. Fairfax obviously did her homework. Taking place largely in Lyon’s silk district, I learned a lot about the manufacture of silk, and the world that surrounds it in France.

Surprisingly, the book is a contemporary tale. Jean-Luc is a modern celebrity, still a subject of paparazzi, even in retirement—a fact that adds to the story’s conflict. Grab a copy, visit Lyon and learn about silk while enjoying a sweet romance.

Length:  402 Pages

Price:  $5.50

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Thanks for visiting. Rose, Julie & Rochelle

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