Roses & Thorns

Roses & Thorns

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

God Save the Sweet Potato Queens by Jill Conner Browne


Hallelujah! The Sweet Potato Queens are back!

In 1999, Jill Conner Browne, royal boss of Jackson, Mississippi's own glorious Sweet Potato Queens, introduced them to the world in the hilarious bestseller The Sweet Potato Queen's Book of Love (which contained everything you ever need to know about Love, Life, Men, Marriage, and the importance of Being Prepared). But, fortunately for us, that was not the final chapter in the Queens' splendid saga. The Sweet Potato Queens still have plenty of stuff to say and valuable wisdom to impart about how they went from being Cute Girls to Fabulous Women, including:

Dating for the Advanced, or Advancing
The Joys of Marriage—if you must
More Delicious, Death-Defying Recipes
The Promise for Men—six little words that will make any woman Lolling About—the official activity of the Sweet Potato Queens

And, of course,
The All-True Story of the Two Most Wonderful Men in the World

Not to mention:
Reader Mail—honoring the adventures of brand-new Wannabes and Honorary Queens from around the world

If you haven't met the Sweet Potato Queens yet, this is the introduction you've been waiting for. If you already know the joys of Queendom, this is your official welcome-back party.

Review by Rose Thornton:

This delightful book is the second one written by Jill Conner Browne about the popular Sweet Potato Queens of Jackson, Mississippi.  Although Browne includes a few of the same hilarious tales that she related in her first book about the Queens, there is, by far, enough new material to amuse without repetition.  This unique group of women is ever involved in new ways to have fun with “Queendom.”  They are beloved by women all over the country, many of whom join them in their playful pursuits in their own territory, as well as join them physically in attendance at their annual St. Paddy’s Day Parade…theirs is a GROWING playground.  Men enjoy their antics too, so I would recommend this book to any adult for a good laugh and yummy Queen recipes…just be aware, it’s not about the sweet potatoes. J.

Length:   272 Pages
Print:  $13.95
Digital:  $9.99
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Thanks for visiting. Rose, Julie, Donna, & Rochelle