Roses & Thorns

Roses & Thorns

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I Love You, Ronnie: The Letters of Ronald Reagan to Nancy Reagan by Nancy Reagan


No matter what else was going on in his life or where he was—traveling to make movies, at the White House, or sometimes just across the room—Ronald Reagan wrote letters to Nancy Reagan, to express his love, thoughts, and feelings, and to stay in touch. Through these extraordinary letters and reflections, the private character and life of an American president and his first lady are revealed. Nancy Reagan reflects with love and insight on the letters, on her husband, and on the many phases of their life together. A love story spanning half a century and the private life of this classic American couple come vividly alive in this rare and inspiring book.


This book by Nancy Reagan provides sincere insight into the extraordinary relationship of Nancy and Ronald Reagan as documented primarily by his love letters written to her throughout a span of almost fifty years.  All politics aside in his private life, Ronald Reagan’s own words reveal his romantic self as Husband first, President second. He was a prolific writer to the love of his life, and his personal sentiments uncover a man known only to his wife.  Ronald Reagan was loving and witty, and the most comfortable as a father and family man.

The best biographies always include at least a sampling of private letters written by the person to support character qualities.  Personal letters to family members and friends contain a fundamental element that cannot be found in any other format, not even a private journal.  The true person is not always revealed in journal form.  One may make life anything desired, incorporate all pretensions, and record dreams as realistic when writing in one’s own journal.  But to those who best know the person, the writer cannot venture to do the same.  One may certainly share dreams with family and friends in letters, but need to relate them as such in order to maintain integrity.  Personal letters come closest to reflecting the authentic individual.  I Love You, Ronnie has all the elements of devoted true love, and I highly recommend it.

Length:  224 Pages


Print:  $14.95

Digital:  $11.99

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Thanks for visiting. Rose, Julie & Rochelle