Roses & Thorns

Roses & Thorns

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Mad Dog Justice by Mark Rubinstein


Roddy Dolan, a surgeon, and Danny Burns, an accountant, are being hunted as prey. Someone is after them with lethal intentions but they don't know who or why.

Whoever it is, and for whatever reason, they and their families are in the crosshairs of killers. Everything they know is unraveling. They must hide, send their families away, abandon their homes, and leave their lives behind.

The second book in the Mad Dog series, Mad Dog Justice is a harrowing tale of friendship, morality, betrayal, and dire consequences.


I would need to go back and read Dr. Rubinstein’s Mad Dog House to see whether the parts that involve Roddy and Danny in the present are told in first person present, but this book is, when it’s in Roddy’s point of view, from which it rarely digresses.  That brings it up front and personal, as though you’re witnessing the action as it unfolds.  The action was so in my face, I was tempted to turn myself in to WITSEC.  Needless to say, I could not put the book down.  And there were enough people who had reason to kill Roddy and Danny and threaten their families to keep me guessing who was after them until the very end.  Way to go Doc Rubinstein!  Woo Hoo!  What a ride!

If you want to feel as though you’re not just reading a thriller, but experiencing it, by all means, grab Mad Dog Justice!

Length:  328 Pages
Print Price:  $10.44

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Thanks for visiting. Rose, Julie & Rochelle

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