Roses & Thorns

Roses & Thorns

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Woman by Jack Ketchum and Lucky McKee


The Woman is the powerful story of the last survivor of a feral tribe of cannibals who have terrorized the east coast from Maine into Canada for years now. Badly wounded in a battle with police, she takes refuge in a cave overlooking the sea. Christopher Cleek is a slick, amoral — and unstable — country lawyer who, out hunting one day, sees her bathing in a stream. Fascinated, he follows her to her cave. Cleek has many dark secrets and to these he’ll add another. He will capture her, lock in his fruit cellar, and tame her, civilize her. To this end he’ll enlist his long-suffering wife Belle, his teenage son and daughter Brian and Peg, and even his little girl Darlin’, to aid him. So the question becomes, who is more savage? The hunter or the game?


Since I am still thinking about this story weeks after completing the book, I give The Woman by Jack Ketchum and Lucky McKee 5 roses. Depending on the type of horror story you like, “The Woman” is a book you will want to read if you plan to feel repulsion and disgust for days after you have put the book down. There is not a lot of blood and gore, so if that is what you like in your horror stories; it may not be what you are looking for.

This story is about a woman from a primitive past who is found by a man while out in the woods. He brings the woman home to his family, and the horror begins. Due to the behaviors of the father, it is very believable that members of the family would allow these events to occur.

While this is an extreme example, I consider the book to be about the primitive past encountering the present showing that humanity and cognitive development have not progressed as much as one would think.

Length: 336 Pages
Print: $ 26.00
Digital: $4.99

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Thanks for visiting. Rose Julie & Rochelle

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