Forty-four-year-old Julie
Weston has loved Timmy and James since her college days twenty-something years
ago. She’s fantasized about both men all these long years, never able to choose
between them.
She attends their college
marching band reunion, hoping Tim and James will go too. When both men show up,
her dreams are answered. They’re sexier than she imagined and she prays that
they won’t be disappointed by her older self.
It turns out both men came
just to see her again and neither is happy about the other man’s presence. They
fight over her, confusing her more than ever. It takes a hot ménage—or two—for
her to decide which one she’s in love with.
Review by Julie Grimm:
I gave Her Men
the first thorn for the plot line. Really? A college marching band reunion? The
writer only uses this as an excuse for them to get together although I still
don’t know what goes on at one of these reunions. I gave it the second thorn
for the erotica. Julie Weston fantasizes about having sex with both men, and
when she gets her wish, it happens just exactly as the fantasy is first
written. There are no surprises there. The third thorn is for the ridiculous
behavior of the two men. It’s so unbelievable.
Length: 90 Pages
Digital Price: $3.50
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Thanks for visiting. Rose, Julie, Donna, & Rochelle
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