Roses & Thorns

Roses & Thorns

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Wait Watchers by Elle Druskin


Straight-laced literary agent Portia Hart is hiding out in Liberty Heights from a crazed writer. She’s sprained her ankle, minus her eyeglasses and can’t see a thing. Newly widowed Truman Wilder is home after a mystery surrounding his wife’s death. The last thing he needs is Portia, but this is Liberty Heights, where lunacy and romance abound. Portia’s stuck at LouAnn Freedbush’s bed and breakfast. Sister BettyAnn is hysterical due to her eviction from Registered Witches of America. Uncle Rupert Freedbush is big game hunting in the backyard. Why? Because Uncle Rupert insists he’s Ernest Hemingway.

The Valentine clan snatched the property Truman needs for his optometry business. They want to open a florist shop. The Valentines are experts thanks to attending loads of funerals only nobody knows where the bodies are buried. This is New Jersey, after all.

Portia isn’t sure how it happened but Elmo, an Alaskan Malamute, has been left in her custody. Elmo’s diet consists of her shoes. What does Wayne, the psychic beagle say about this? How did everyone end up at 1920s Parisian Lost Generation party? Will Elmo eat the town out of footwear?

Men definitely make passes at gals who wear glasses or are nearly blind without them. Romance rules in Wait Watchers!


Once again, I am bereft. I read too fast, so my visit to Liberty Heights sped by all too quickly. Warning: Do NOT read Wait Watchers in the vicinity of sleeping babies—you WILL laugh out loud at the antics of the Freedbushes, Valentines, Elmo, et. al.

Poor Portia thinks she’s trapped in some sort of loony bin, but she’s just staying at the Valentine’s Day Massacre Bed and Breakfast. She can’t help it her timing coincides with BettyAnn discovering her witch school was not accredited, or the closing of Uncle Rupert’s nursing home. At least he thinks she’s Zelda Fitzgerald and doesn’t ask her to perform interpretive dances like he does Susie Wittiger, whom he believes is Isadora Duncan. Although she does have to fend off his pinches when “Scott’s” not around. And even though he eats her shoes, Elmo’s an affectionate puppy. She’s just keeping him until Truman Wilder and his daughter, Rosie, get their own place. How can she turn Rosie down when she and Elmo are Rosie’s only friends?

If you’ve followed this blog, you don’t need me to tell you how funny, warm, and wonderful these books are. If you’re a new reader, then by all means—check out Wait Watchers or any of the Liberty Heights series by Elle Druskin. You’ll figure out why we’ve kept New Jersey (aside from Edison, Sinatra, Springstein, and Bon Jovi).

Length:  229 Pages
Price:  $5.50

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Thanks for visiting. Rose & Rochelle

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