Roses & Thorns

Roses & Thorns

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Once by M.S. Kaye


Her first and also her Once.

Jonathan is studying to become a priest. He is three days from taking vows. He will not be a priest.

Rebecca’s major is pre-law. She is supposed to take over her father’s law firm. She will not be lawyer.

Their paths cross at exactly the right moment, when each most needs to hear what the other has to say. Jonathan’s structured life is turned sideways, but Rebecca also helps him learn how to forgive himself. It was self-defense, not murder. Rebecca finds the strength to stand up to her father, to be the real her. If Jonathan likes her writing, it must be worth pursuing.

They must each struggle to forge a new path without each other’s comfort and strength, with only memories of the one day that changed everything.

Review by Rose Thornton:

Once is an intriguing story of love in the forbidden lane, filled with touching descriptive passages that capture the expressive characters of the author, M.S. Kaye. This is a novel about people; it has little relevance to the places in the settings. It is a tale that could have happened in any place, and it is timeless as well. It takes a unique talent to write characters which stand alone as strong as those Ms. Kaye reveals to her readers. It was very easy for me to get deep inside her characters, to laugh with them and to cry with them, and even to feel compassion for the ‘bad’ guy in the end, the compassion her heroine gave me. Ms. Kaye writes a realistic and beautiful work of fiction that I highly recommend. I look forward to reading more from this author.

Length:  169 Pages

Digital Price:  $4.49

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Thanks for visiting. Rose, Julie, Donna, & Rochelle