Roses & Thorns

Roses & Thorns

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Murder on Moonshine Hill by Joan C. Curtis


When Jenna decides to go to a friend’s wedding, she expects to dredge up old secrets and old hurts, and she expects to see people from her past, but she doesn’t expect to stumble on a dead body.

Jenna’s friend is arrested. The wedding is cancelled. And Jenna’s tendency to stick her nose where it shouldn’t be leads her into the path of the killer.

Set in the serene mountains of North Carolina, Murder on Moonshine Hill is filled with suspense, humor, and a quirky cast of supporting characters.

About the Author:

Joan C. Curtis is an award-winning writer who has published seven books and numerous stories.  Readers compare her to the great Southern writer, Fanny Flagg. “She writes characters and a story that will stay with you.”

Her debut mystery/suspense novel, The Clock Strikes Midnight, won the Royal Palm Literary Award in 2015. The e-Murderer: Book 1 Jenna Scali Mysteries won the Gold from the Global EBook Awards 2016. Her newest release is Murder on Moonshine Hill: Book 2 Jenna Scali Mysteries.

Joan has been an avid reader for as long as she can remember.  She reads all kinds of books, including women’s fiction, mysteries, biography, and nonfiction.

“I write about characters who remind me of myself at times and my sister at times, but never fully so. My stories are told from the point of view with of a woman with a destiny. Characters drive my writing and my reading.”

Having grown up in the South with a mother from Westchester County New York, Joan has a unique take on blending the Southern traditions with the eye of a Northerner.  She spent most of her childhood in North Carolina and now resides in Athens, Georgia.


Murder on Moonshine Hill is the second Jenna Scali novel Ms. Curtis has written, and I admit I’m becoming a fan of Jenna’s. I like heroine’s with wry wit who stick their noses in where they don’t belong, especially when it gets them into trouble.

This time, when Jenna gets an invitation to the wedding of her former childhood friend, she decides to attend only after finding a note tucked into the envelope pleading for help. When they were kids, Jenna had a crush on Marcy’s older brother, Peter. But after Peter’s death in a horrible accident, Marcy not only shut Jenna out, she completely shunned her. Her detective boyfriend’s out of town at a training seminar, but her friend Quentin who is a British gay history professor talks her into going with him as her escort. She can’t resist taking him to the blue-blood Southern upscale destination wedding at a quaint mountain inn. And when she stumbles upon a body in the woods and Marcy’s the prime suspect, neither of them can resist investigating the crime.

Murder on Moonshine Hill was a bit slow getting started. It took time for Jenna to get to the wedding and meet all of the susp—guests. She already knew most of the bride’s family, but the groom’s side were all new acquaintances, and there were twists and subplots running through and between both sides of the bridal aisle. It seemed the only place there could be any love lost was between the bride and groom. But even they weren’t acting like a happy couple on the eve of their wedding.

So—who’s body does Jenna stumble upon? And who did it? I’m not telling. You’ll have to buy Murder on Moonshine Hill to find out.

Author Website:
Heat Rating:  PG-13
Length:  314 Pages
Digital Price:  $5.99

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